Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Marine Mammal Regulations (SOR/93-56)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-08 and last amended on 2018-11-02. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE VI(Subsections 7(3) to (4))

Approach Distances to Marine Mammals

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
ItemSpecies of Marine MammalVehicles — Except Aircraft in FlightApproach DistanceAreaPeriod
1Whale, dolphin and porpoiseAll100 mSubject to items 2 to 4, all Canadian fisheries watersJanuary 1 to December 31
2Whale, dolphin and porpoiseAll200 m

Subject to item 3, that portion of the waters of the St. Lawrence Estuary described as follows:

  • (a) bordered on the north and south by the coast;

  • (b) bordered on the west by straight lines joining the following points in order of presentation:

  • (c) bordered on the east by straight lines joining the following points in order of presentation:

  • (d) excluding the waters bordered by the coast and straight lines joining the following points in order of presentation:

    1Point at the intersection of the boundary line between lots A-4 and A-5 of Range A of the township of Escoumins
    9Point situated on the boundary line between lots 252 and 254 of the Saint-Paul Range, cadastre of the parish of Saint-Fidèle (Gros Cap-à-l’Aigle)
January 1 to December 31

Whale, dolphin and porpoise, if a threatened species or endangered species as defined in the Species at Risk Act:

endangered species

endangered species means a wildlife species that is facing imminent extirpation or extinction. (espèce en voie de disparition)

threatened species

threatened species means a wildlife species that is likely to become an endangered species if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation or extinction. (espèce menacée)

All400 m, or any greater distance that is provided for under the Species at Risk Act

That portion of the waters of the St. Lawrence Estuary including

  • (a) the waters of the St. Lawrence upstream of a line joining the following points in order of presentation:

  • (b) the waters of the Saguenay River upstream of a line joining the following points in order of presentation:

January 1 to December 31
4Beluga whaleVessels50 m

That portion of the waters of the Churchill Estuary described as follows:

  • (a) bordered on the north by lat. 58°50′30″ N;

  • (b) bordered on the west by a line extending from a point situated at lat. 58°50′30″ N, long. 94°16′30″ W, south to the coast;

  • (c) bordered on the east by a line extending from a point situated at lat. 58°50′30″ N, long. 94°08′30″ W, south to the coast;

  • (d) including the waters of the Churchill River south to the weir (approximately lat. 58°40′45″ N).

That portion of the waters of the Seal River from a central point situated at lat. 59°05′ N, long. 94°47′ W, described as follows:

  • (a) bordered on the north by a line 2 nautical miles (5 km) north of the central point and extending from the coast along lat. 59°07′ N to a point 2 nautical miles (5 km) offshore;

  • (b) bordered on the south by a line 2 nautical miles (5 km) south of the central point and extending from the coast along lat. 59°03′ N to a point 2 nautical miles (5 km) offshore;

  • (c) bordered on the east by a line joining points (a) and (b) ;

  • (d) including the waters of the Seal River.

June 1 to October 31
5WalrusAll100 mSubject to item 6, all Canadian fisheries watersJanuary 1 to December 31
6WalrusAll200 mOn the ice of Canadian fisheries watersJune 1 to October 31
7WalrusAll300 mOn the shores of Canadian fisheries watersJune 1 to October 31
8Killer whaleAll200 mSubject to item 3, in all Canadian fisheries waters in the Pacific Ocean and British ColumbiaJanuary 1 to December 31
  • SOR/2018-126, s. 10

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