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Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-08 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions

Part VII — Commercial Air Services (continued)

Subpart 5 — Airline Operations (continued)

Division VIII — Training (continued)

Conditional Approval of Training Program
  •  (1) The Minister may give conditional approval to a training program where an air operator submits to the Minister a copy of a syllabus of its training program that provides enough information for a preliminary evaluation of the training program in light of the Commercial Air Service Standards.

  • (2) An air operator may conduct training under a training program that has received conditional approval until the Minister has evaluated the effectiveness of the training program and has informed the air operator of any deficiencies that must be corrected.

  • (3) The Minister shall give final approval to a conditionally approved training program when the air operator demonstrates that the training conducted under that program is adequate to permit the persons who receive it to safely perform their assigned duties and when any identified deficiencies have been corrected.

Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer

 An air operator may conduct emergency training and testing on a cabin emergency evacuation trainer, rather than on an aircraft, if the trainer has been approved by the Minister in accordance with the Commercial Air Service Standards.

Training and Qualification Records
  •  (1) Every air operator shall, for each person who is required to receive training under this Subpart, establish and maintain a record of

    • (a) the person’s name and, where applicable, personnel licence number, type and ratings;

    • (b) if applicable, the person’s medical category and the expiry date of that category;

    • (c) the dates on which the person, while in the air operator’s employ, successfully completed any training, pilot proficiency check or examination required under this Subpart or obtained any qualification required under this Subpart;

    • (d) information relating to any failure of the person, while in the air operator’s employ, to successfully complete any training, pilot proficiency check or examination required under this Subpart or to obtain any qualification required under this Subpart; and

    • (e) the type of aircraft or flight training equipment used for any training, pilot proficiency check, line check or qualification required under this Subpart.

  • (2) An air operator shall retain the records referred to in paragraphs (1)(c) and (d) and a record of each pilot proficiency check for at least three years.

  • (3) An air operator shall keep a master copy of each examination on file and make it available for review by the Minister for a period of not less than three years.

  • SOR/2009-152, s. 23
Amendments to Training Program
  •  (1) If the Minister determines that an air operator’s training program required under 705.124 does not include the competencies required for each person who receives training to perform their assigned duties, the Minister shall notify the air operator of

    • (a) the corrective actions that the air operator is required to implement to its training program; and

    • (b) the date by which the air operator is required to submit its amended training program to the Minister for approval under paragraph 705.124(1)(b).

  • (2) The air operator referred to in subsection (1) shall submit its amended training program to the Minister on or before the date specified by the Minister under paragraph (1)(b).

[705.129 to 705.133 reserved]

Division IX — Manuals

Requirements relating to Company Operations Manual
  •  (1) Every air operator shall establish and maintain a company operations manual that meets the requirements of section 705.135.

  • (2) An air operator shall submit its company operations manual, and any amendments to that manual, to the Minister.

  • (3) Where there is a change in any aspect of an air operator’s operation or where the company operations manual no longer meets the Commercial Air Service Standards, the air operator shall amend its company operations manual.

  • (4) The Minister shall, where the Commercial Air Service Standards are met, approve those parts of a company operations manual, and any amendments to those parts, that relate to the information required by section 705.135.

Contents of Company Operations Manual
  •  (1) A company operations manual, which may be issued in separate parts corresponding to specific aspects of an operation, shall include the instructions and information necessary to enable the personnel concerned to perform their duties safely and shall contain the information required by the Commercial Air Service Standards.

  • (2) A company operations manual shall be such that

    • (a) all parts of the manual are consistent and compatible in form and content;

    • (b) the manual can be readily amended;

    • (c) the manual contains an amendment control page and a list of the pages that are in effect; and

    • (d) the manual has the date of the last amendment to each page specified on that page.

Distribution of Company Operations Manual
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), an air operator shall provide a copy of the appropriate parts of its company operations manual, including any amendments to those parts, to each of its crew members and to its ground operations and maintenance personnel.

  • (2) An air operator may place a copy of the appropriate parts of its company operations manual in each aircraft that it operates, instead of providing a copy to each crew member, if all amendments to the manual are included in the system for the dissemination of general operational information referred to in section 705.18.

  • (3) Every person who has been provided with a copy of the appropriate parts of a company operations manual pursuant to subsection (1) shall keep it up to date with the amendments provided and shall ensure that the appropriate parts are accessible when the person is performing assigned duties.

Aircraft Operating Manual
  •  (1) An air operator may establish and maintain an aircraft operating manual for the use and guidance of crew members in the operation of its aircraft.

  • (2) An aircraft operating manual shall contain

    • (a) the aircraft operating procedures; and

    • (b) where the aircraft flight manual is not carried on board the aircraft, the aircraft performance data and limitations specified in the aircraft flight manual, which shall be clearly identified as aircraft flight manual requirements.

  • (3) An air operator that has established an aircraft operating manual shall submit a copy of the manual, and any amendments to that manual, to the Minister for approval.

  • (4) The Minister shall approve an aircraft operating manual, and any amendments to that manual, where the Commercial Air Service Standards are met.

  • (5) An air operator that has established an aircraft operating manual shall ensure that a copy of the manual is carried on board each aircraft to which it relates.

Standard Operating Procedures
  •  (1) Every air operator shall, for each of its aircraft, establish and maintain standard operating procedures that enable the crew members to operate the aircraft within the limitations specified in the aircraft flight manual, and that meet the Commercial Air Service Standards.

  • (2) An air operator shall submit a copy of its aircraft standard operating procedures, and any amendments to those procedures, to the Minister.

  • (3) An air operator shall ensure that a copy of the standard operating procedures for an aircraft is carried on board the aircraft.

  • (4) Where an air operator has established an aircraft operating manual, the standard operating procedures for the aircraft shall form part of that manual.

Flight Attendant Manual
  •  (1) Every air operator, other than an air operator that is authorized solely for the transport of cargo in its air operator certificate, shall establish and maintain, as part of its company operations manual, a flight attendant manual for the use and guidance of flight attendants in the operation of its aircraft.

  • (2) A flight attendant manual shall contain the instructions and information necessary to enable flight attendants to perform their duties safely and shall contain the information required by the Flight Attendant Manual Standard.

  • (3) The Minister shall, where the Flight Attendant Manual Standard is met, approve those parts of a flight attendant manual, and any amendments to those parts, that relate to the safety and emergency information contained in Part A of the Flight Attendant Manual Standard.

  • (4) An air operator shall provide a copy of its flight attendant manual, including any amendments to that manual, to each of its flight attendants.

  • (5) Every flight attendant who has been provided with a copy of a flight attendant manual pursuant to subsection (4) shall keep it up to date with the amendments provided and shall ensure that the appropriate parts are accessible when the flight attendant is performing assigned duties on board an aircraft.

[705.140 to 705.150 reserved]

Division X — Safety Management System


 The safety management system required under section 107.02 in respect of an applicant for, or a holder of, an air operator certificate shall

  • (a) meet the requirements of Subpart 7 of Part I and section 705.152;

  • (b) be under the control of the operations manager appointed under paragraph 700.09(1)(a); and

  • (c) cover the maintenance control activities undertaken under Subpart 6.

  • SOR/2005-173, s. 24
Components of the Safety Management System
  •  (1) The safety management system shall include, among others, the following components:

    • (a) a safety management plan that includes

      • (i) a safety policy that the accountable executive has approved and communicated to all employees,

      • (ii) the roles and responsibilities of personnel assigned duties under the quality assurance program established under section 706.07 or the safety management system,

      • (iii) performance goals and a means of measuring the attainment of those goals,

      • (iv) a policy for the internal reporting of a hazard, an incident or an accident, including the conditions under which immunity from disciplinary action will be granted, and

      • (v) a review of the safety management system to determine its effectiveness;

    • (b) procedures for reporting a hazard, an incident or an accident to the appropriate manager;

    • (c) procedures for the collection of data relating to hazards, incidents and accidents;

    • (d) procedures for analysing data obtained under paragraph (c) and during an audit conducted under subsection 706.07(3) and for taking corrective actions;

    • (e) an audit system referred to in subsection 706.07(3);

    • (f) training requirements for the operations manager, the maintenance manager and personnel assigned duties under the safety management system; and

    • (g) procedures for making progress reports to the accountable executive at intervals determined by the accountable executive and other reports as needed in urgent cases.

  • (2) The components specified in subsection (1) and the components of the safety management system that are required under section 107.03 shall be set out in

    • (a) the company operations manual of the applicant for, or the holder of, an air operator certificate; and

    • (b) the maintenance control manual (MCM) of the holder of an air operator certificate.

Person Managing the Safety Management System

 The person managing the safety management system shall

  • (a) establish and maintain a reporting system to ensure the timely collection of information related to hazards, incidents and accidents that may adversely affect safety;

  • (b) identify hazards and carry out risk management analyses of those hazards;

  • (c) investigate, analyze and identify the cause or probable cause of all hazards, incidents and accidents identified under the safety management system;

  • (d) establish and maintain a safety data system, either by electronic or by other means, to monitor and analyze trends in hazards, incidents and accidents;

  • (e) monitor and evaluate the results of corrective actions with respect to hazards, incidents and accidents;

  • (f) monitor the concerns of the civil aviation industry in respect of safety and their perceived effect on the air operator;

  • (g) determine the adequacy of the training required by paragraph 705.152(1)(f); and

  • (h) where the operations manager has assigned the management functions for the safety management system under subsection 705.03(3) to another person, report to the operations manager the hazards, incidents and accidents identified under the safety management system or as a result of an audit required under subsection 706.07(3).

  • SOR/2005-173, s. 24

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